Rajnikanth while speaking about Kamal Haasan recently said,” I need two days to speak about Kamal. Kamal is my cinema elder brother. Today’s people may not be aware that Kamal was a great star. At the time when I entered cinema, Kamal was a great super star than now. We have both acted in eth films Apporva Ragangal, Aval Appadithan, Aadu Puli Aattam and 16 Vayadhinilae.At that point of time Kamal had so much influence that he could have removed me from the films. But he did not so like that. He was the one who recommended me for the film Ilamai Oonjaladukirathu. The last film that we both acted was Ninaithale Inikkum. Kamal called me and said,” Rajni, we should both stop acting together. If we continue they will not allow you to grow. You cannot earn money or fame. Act separately and try to come up.” Many great actors like Cheeranjivi, Venkatesh, Amitabh, Dhilip Kumar, Mammooty and Mohanlal would be thinking that how Rajni could become a hero in the place where super star Kamal is there. I only want to tell them one thing. All of you are seeing Kamal from a distance. But I am very close to him and have learnt a lot about acting for him and became a actor. How was I able to grow when Kamal was there? I chose a different path. I did not choose Kamal’s path. I cannot do that. He has touched what I have touched. Kamal is a master of all trades. I am proud that I have lived and acted in Kamal’s era. That is enough for me.”
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